The International Aviation Waste Management Association

Our unique purpose-based perspective solidifies the IAWMA as the only evidence-based circular economy knowledge incubator dedicated to aviation issues.


Aviation Waste Explained

Waste, Recycling and the ‘Circular Economy’: What does it mean for aviation?

Who We Are

 Our unique purpose-based perspective solidifies the IAWMA as the only evidence-based circular economy knowledge incubator dedicated to aviation issues.

The IAWMA is unlike traditional industry associations that typically operate as a repository of common denominator positions put forward on behalf of their affiliates.

We offer our stakeholders greenfield creativity infused with international knowledge of circularity best practices based on relevant projects or program successes.

For example, worldwide, aviation relies heavily on single-use plastics to mitigate carbon output and ensure pathogen protection. Yet, as governments begin implementing plastic bans, the industry can benefit from an advanced platform to aid in its adoption of a circular economy.

What We Do

The International Aviation Waste Management Association (IAWMA) is a non-profit organization established to develop strategic supply and collection chains after completing a pioneering two-year international waste management research study.

Published in 2020 by the National Academies of Sciences, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) sponsored study reviewed a cross-section of policy, regulations, and practices in recovering recyclables from the global air transport industry. Findings highlight the need for an advanced evidence-based circular economy knowledge platform to stem issues arising from linear consumption. The IAWMA audience includes airports, airlines, flight kitchens, supply chains, collection chains, material science, regulators, universities, government, environmental organizations, and associations.


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